About Us
Taverners Australia has been present for over 36 years. Giving a sporting chance.
Taverners Australia is a national network of branches covering all states and territories of Australia. We support the deaf, blind, intellectually impaired, indigenous and young girls to play sport and in particular cricket.
We “give a sporting chance” by providing financial support directly to these groups to allow them to actively participate in cricket – generally at a grass roots level.
It all began with a group of cricket-loving spectators who used to regularly congregate at the Tavern at the Lord’s Cricket Ground in England. Through general conversation they decided they wanted to give those who were young, disadvantaged or disabled a better chance of furthering their love of and involvement in the game of cricket, or sport in general. Thus the organisation called “The Lord’s Taverners” was formed.
The Lord’s Taverners Australia was formed in 1982, at the instigation of devoted Taverner, the now late John Darling. We are an autonomous organisation that has grown to 11 branches in all States and Territories of Australia, with approximately 2500 members. This club was registered as a charity dedicated to the promotion of cricket among young people.
Our members come from all walks of life with media, the professions, the arts and business communities being well represented. What we have in common is a love of sport generally, a love of cricket and most importantly a desire to raise money to support disadvantaged and disabled young people.
The Lord’s Taverners is best described as a charitable association which exists through membership subscriptions, corporate and community partnerships, fund-raising activities and donations. Funds raised are distributed to worthy causes.

To be the premier cricket-based charity in Australia, supporting those less able in the community to improve their lives by sporting participation and inclusion

Mission Statement
Giving the young and disadvantaged a sporting chance that they would otherwise not have.
- To be recognised as “The” cricket charity in Australia
- To establish a celebrity ambassador program to generate continuous positive publicity.
- To develop a public relations and marketing program that optimises the image of The Lord’s Taverners as the premier cricket charity
- To generate funds of at least $1 million per annum for distribution to our beneficiaries
- To create an enjoyable and fun, fund-raising program of events and corporate partners through our branch network that not only enables our financial objectives to be achieved but also provides publicity and profile objectives
- To assist branches by enhancing the profile nationally, constructing national partnerships and enabling the benefits to flow through to local branches
- To facilitate the establishment of new Branches in regional Australia to increase membership and fund-raising capacity
- To construct a rationale that defines how we distribute donations
- To maximise fund-raising activities during each Ashes series, recognising that our links with the UK are unique parts of our history
- To obtain DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) tax status, so that donors can claim a legitimate tax deduction for their gifts
In late 2017 we developed a strategy to significantly increase our reach and support. At the same time The Taverners were appointed Cricket Australia’s lead Community partner. We have formed a Foundation - The Taverners Foundation, which allows donors of $2 or more to claim a tax deduction for that donation.
Further Reading
Our Constitution
1. |
Name |
1.1. |
The name of the Associate is “The Lord’s Taverners Australia Incorporated” (hereinafter called “the Association”) |
1.2. |
The Association shall be a national body consisting of individual Branches and provision shall exist for the establishment and removal of Branches all of which shall be regulated in accordance with paragraph |
1.3. |
Each Branch when constituted and for the period only of its membership of the Association shall carry the name of the Association and an abbreviation of, or the full names of that Branch whether a State, |
2. |
Interpretation |
2.1. |
In this Constitution unless the context otherwise requires, the following words shall have the undermentioned meanings:- “The Act” means the Associations Act in the Northern Territory. “Committee” means the Executive Committee of the Association comprising President, Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer. “Financial Institution” means an authorised deposit taking Institution within the meaning of Section 5 of the Banking Act 1959 of the Commonwealth. “Association” shall mean and refer to the national Association of the Lord’s Taverners Australia comprised of a National Council and Branches. “Council” shall mean the National Council of the Lord’s Taverners Australia constituted pursuant to this Constitution. “Branches” shall mean the National Council of The Lord’s Taverners Australia constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. “Representative” means a Representative of a Member who, being a financial member of that Branch, has been appointed from time to time by that Branch as its sole representative to the Association. “Member” where referred to shall mean and include a Branch. “The Act” means the Associations Act in the Northern Territory. “Disadvantaged” shall mean and include youth or persons who would otherwise not be in a position to participate in a form of recreation, especially cricket, were they not otherwise assisted in “Financial year” means the year ending 30th June. “General Meeting” means a General Meeting of the Association convened in accordance with these rules. |
2.2. |
Words importing the singular shall include the plural form and word with the masculine form shall include the feminine and vice versa. |
2.3. |
The Council may make the honorary appointment of an auditor, a solicitor, an accountant or any other they see fit to appoint from time to time. The Council may pay an honorarium in each year of an amount |
3. |
Objects |
3.1. |
To encourage recreational activity, especially the playing of cricket, by disadvantaged persons, especially youth, by whatever means possible; and; |
3.2. |
To raise funds by any lawful means. |
4. |
Office Bearers and National Council |
4.1. |
The officer bearers of the Association shall consist of a twelfth man (the first of whom is His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh A.K. K.G. K.T.; a President; Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer and such other |
4.2. |
The Council of the Association shall consist of one representative from each Branch plus the following National office bearers – President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. (Each of these shall carry |
4.3. |
The positions of President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association and Council shall be elected by the members of the Council by a majority vote of the Council. These positions will constitute
4.4. |
Any casual vacancy arising amongst the office bearers may be filled by the Council and the person so appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the replaced office bearer. |
4.5. |
Nominations in writing for the election of office bearers shall be made with the consent of the candidate and such nominations signed by the proposer and seconder both of whom shall be Representatives and |
4.6. |
In the event of the full number of officers not being elected or any particular office not being filled at the meeting the same may be appointed by the Council to hold office until the next Annual Meeting. |
4.7. |
If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall call for another vote and should the result of the second vote be again equal then the Chairman shall have a second |
4.8. |
Only persons who are a member of a Branch which is a member of the Association shall be eligible to be a representative of that Branch and to hold office as a member of the Council. |
4.9. |
The Council may made the honorary appointments of an auditor a solicitor, accountant or any other they see fit to appoint from time to time. The Council may pay an honorarium in each year of an amount agreed |
4.10. |
The Council shall decide all questions arising under existing rules and shall conduct the business management and affairs of the Association from time to time. |
4.11. |
The Council shall have full power to make, repeal and amend by-laws for regulating the conduct and affairs of the Association provide the same are not inconsistent with the rules contained in this |
4.12. |
All Members shall be given sixty (60) days notice in writing of the passing, amendment or repeal of any such by-laws by the Council. |
4.13. |
Each and every Member of the Association hereby jointly and severally releases and indemnifies each and every Representative of the Council from time to time from any and all errors, acts or omissions of the |
4.14. |
The liability of a Member to contribute towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association or the cost charges and expenses of the winding up of the Association is limited to the amount (if |
4.15. |
As soon as practical after being elected to the Committee
4.16. |
A Committee Member must be a member who is 18 years or over. |
4.17. |
5. |
Secretary and Treasurer of the Council |
5.1. |
The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association and shall keep full and correct minutes of all meetings of the Council and generally so perform such duties as the Council may from time to |
5.2. |
The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Association and shall make up and sign the Annual Statement of Accounts and the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Financial Performance of the |
6. |
Proceedings and Meetings of Council and Annual Meetings |
6.1. |
The Council may meet for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise appoint and regulate its meetings as it thinks fit. Such meetings can be conducted physically or by telephone or a combination of both |
6.2. |
The Chairman of the Association shall act as Chairman of the Council and the Council may if felt appropriate appoint in Acting Chairman if the Chairman is not available. |
6.3. |
On the request of three (3) members of the Association, the Secretary shall summon a meeting of the Council by fourteen (14) days written notice serviced upon each and every member of the Council. |
6.4. |
Questions arising at any meeting of the Council shall be decided by a majority of the votes of those present. In the case of any equality of the votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or |
6.5. |
The Council may delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of such member or members of the Council as it thinks fit, and any committee so formed shall in the exercise of the powers so delegated |
6.6. |
The meetings and proceedings of any such committee shall be governed by the provisions of this Constitution for regulating the meetings and proceedings of the Council. |
6.7. |
Any Council member save the President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer may from time to time appoint any person approved by the Council to be an alternate in his place during such a period as specified in |
6.8. |
An Annual Meeting shall be held within five months of the Associations financial year end. Such meeting shall be at such place and at such a time as the Council in its absolute discretion shall determine. |
6.9. |
For a Committee Meeting one half of the Committee members constitutes a Quorum unless otherwise provided in the Constitution. |
6.10. |
7. |
Membership |
7.1. |
Membership of the Association shall be open to all Branches approved by Council and which continue to support the objects of The Lord’s Taverners Australia. |
7.2. |
All Members shall be equal in status and shall have equal voting rights. |
7.3. |
Membership is conditional upon:
7.4. |
Voting at any meeting including general meetings, can be in person or by proxy, the Form shall be decided by the Council. |
7.5. |
In the case of equality of voting on any question the Chairman is entitled to exercise a second or casting vote. |
7.6. |
A representative of a Branch is not entitled to vote at any of the Association meetings unless all moneys due are payable by the Branch to the Association have been paid. |
8. |
Council Representatives |
8.1. |
Branches shall be represented at meetings of the Association by one representative for the purpose of voting and taking part in meetings of the Association. |
8.2. |
Appointment of representatives shall be made by the Branches within four (4) weeks of the conduct of that Branches Annual General Meeting. |
8.3. |
Representatives shall be appointed to the Association for a period of twelve (12) months. All representatives will be eligible for re-appointment by Branches. |
8.4. |
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph any representative from a Branch may be removed from their position as a Representative by resolution of such Branch Committee of Management. If any |
8.5. |
Any right, privilege or obligation of a person creation by reason of their status of a Representative to the Association is not capable of being transferred or transmitted to another person and terminates |
9. |
Register of Representatives |
9.1. |
The Secretary shall keep and maintain a register of Representatives in which shall be entered the full name and address of the Representative and a date of entry with respect of |
10. |
Registration and Retirement of Representatives |
10.1. |
If a Representative from a Branch to the Association ceases to be a member or financial member of the Branch which has appointed him as a Representative, such Representative, shall at that time also cease to |
10.2. |
Any Representative to the Association may resign as such Representative by giving written notice of such resignation to the Secretary of the Association and upon receipt by the Secretary of such notice the |
10.3. |
When the position of any Representative to the Association becomes vacant it shall be filled within four (4) weeks after the vacancy has occurred by the appointment of a new Representative by the member |
11. |
Resignation and Termination of Membership |
11.1. |
A Member may at any time, by giving notice in writing to the Secretary of the Council, resign their membership of the Association, but shall continue to be liable for any annual subscriptions due and unpaid |
11.2. |
A Member may be expelled from membership of the Association by the Council if in the opinion of such Council, after affording such Member an opportunity of offering the Council an explanation of their |
11.2.1. |
Where the Council is of the opinion that a Member –
11.2.2. |
A resolution of the Council under paragraph 11.2.1, is of no effect unless the Council, at a meeting held not earlier than fourteen (14) days and not later than twenty-eight (28) days after service on the |
11.2.3. |
Where the Council passes a resolution under paragraph 11.2.1, the Secretary shall, as soon as practical, cause a notice in writing to be served on the Member-
11.2.4. |
Subject to the Act, section 50, at a meeting of the Council mentioned in paragraph 11.2.2, the Council shall-
11.2.5. |
Where the Council confirms a resolution under paragraph 11.2.4, the Secretary shall, within seven (7) days after that confirmation, by notice in writing inform the Member of that confirmation and of the |
11.2.6. |
A resolution confirmed by the Council under paragraph 11.2.4 does not take effect-
12. |
Right of appeal of disciplined member |
12.1. |
A Member may appeal to the association in general meeting against a resolution of the Council which is confirmed under paragraph 11.2.4, within seven (7) days after notice of the resolution is served on the |
12.2. |
On receipt of a notice under paragraph 12.1, the Honorary Secretary shall notify the Council which shall convene a general meeting of the Association to be held within twenty-one (21) days after the date on |
12.3. |
Subject to the Act, section 50, at a general meeting of the Association convened under paragraph 12.2.
12.4. |
If the meeting passes a special resolution in favour of the confirmation of the resolution made under paragraph 11.2.4, that resolution is confirmed. |
13. |
State, Territory and Regional Branches |
13.1. |
The Association which shall be referred to as “the Council” for the purposes of this Part only of this Constitution, hereby acknowledges and approves the autonomous existence of Branches of The |
13.2. |
The Branches of The Lord’s Taverners Australia at all times shall operate and conduct their affairs in accordance with the objects and rules of the Council as embodied within this Constitution and shall |
13.3. |
Notwithstanding paragraphs 13.1 and 13.2 hereof a Branch membership application shall not be approved by the Council unless and until a proposed Branch has nominated its President, Chairman, Secretary and |
13.4. |
The Council acknowledges that all moneys raised by the Branches by means of subscription or any form of fund raising as provided for in the objects of the Association shall be applied for the sole use and at
13.5. |
The Council hereby confers on each and every Branch of the Association all and any such powers arising under this Constitution and such powers of the Branches shall be exercised subject to the provisions of |
13.6. |
A new Branch shall be deemed to be in existence when it has approval in writing by the Council. |
13.7. |
Each Branch shall elect a Committee of its Members. Each Member shall be designated a number corresponding to the chronological order of persons who have obtained membership before him or her. |
13.8. |
Each Branch shall elect a Committee of its members who shall operate the business and affairs of The Lord’s Taverners Australia in each Branch subject to the provisions of this Part. |
13.9. |
The Committee of each Branch shall consist of a President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and such other members as the committee shall determine from time to time. |
13.10. |
Each Branch shall cause proper books of accounts to be kept. This shall be done in accordance with section 15 of this Constitution. |
14. |
Alteration of Rules |
14.1. |
No rule of the Association shall be repealed or altered, and no new rules shall be made save by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at all Annual General Meetings or at all Special General |
14.2. |
One (1) calendar month’s notice of the intention to propose any new rule or alteration shall be given to the Secretary, who shall post notice of the same to every Member of the Association at least |
15. |
Accounts of the Association |
15.1. |
The Council shall cause proper books of account to be kept with respect to-
Proper books shall be deemed not to have been kept if there are not kept such books of account as are necessary for a public or chartered accountant to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the |
15.2. |
The books of account shall be kept at the office of the Association or at such other place as the Council shall think fit, and shall always be open to the inspection by the members of the Council at all |
15.3. |
The Association in general meeting may from time to time impose reasonable restrictions as to the time and manner of the inspection by the members, other than a member of the Council, of the accounts and |
15.4. |
A Statement of Financial Position, a Statement of Financial Performance and a Statement of Cash for the Association signed by the Treasurer or Honorary Accountant and the National Chairman of the Association |
15.5. |
All accounts with the exception of accounts in the ordinary course of business shall be presented to and passed for payment at a Council meeting or meeting of the Committee of each Branch as the case may |
15.6. |
A Bank Account in the name of the Association shall be kept at a financial institution as the Council may from time to time determine, and such account shall only be drawn against by the Secretary and |
15.7. |
15.8. |
The financial year of the Association is from the 1st July to 30th June. |
16. |
Council Minutes |
16.1. |
The Council shall cause minutes to be made:-
Such minutes shall be signed by the Chairman of the meetings at which the proceedings were held or by the Chairman of the next succeeding meeting and copies of such minutes shall be circulated or posted to |
17. |
Dissolution |
17.1. |
The Association shall be dissolved in the event of membership being less than five (5) or upon the vote of a two-thirds majority of Members present and voting at a Special General Meeting convened to consider If upon dissolution of the Association there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members of the |
18. |
18.1. |
This Constitution binds every member in the Association to the same extent as it every member in the Association had signed and sealed this Constitution and agreed to be bound by it. |
19. |
19.1. |
If there is any inconsistency between this Constitution and the NT Associations’ Act, the Act prevails. |
20. |
20.1. |
a member may raise a grievance or complaint about a Committee Member, The Committee or another member of the Association. |
20.2. |
the grievance or complaint must be dealt with by the procedures set out in the Constitution. |
21. |
21.1. |
This clause applies to disputes between a member and another member, or a member and the Committee. |
21.2. |
Within 14 days after the dispute comes to the attention of the parties to the dispute they must meet and discuss the matter in dispute and if possible resolve the dispute. |
21.3. |
If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute at the meeting or if a party fails to attend that meeting then the parties must within 10 days after the meeting hold another meeting in the presence of a |
21.4. |
If the mediation process does not result in the dispute being resolved the parties may seek to resolve the dispute in accordance with the Act or otherwise at Law. |
22. |
22.1. |
The common seal of the Association must not be used without the express authority of the Committee and every use of that common seal must be recorded by the Secretary. |
22.2. |
The affixing of the Common Seal of the Association must be witnessed by two of the following: President, Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer. |
22.3. |
The Common Seal must be kept in the custody of the Secretary/Treasurer or another person the Committee from time to time decides. |
Privacy policy
The Taverners (TT) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This document sets out our policy on how we will manage your personal information.
Your privacy is important to us .TT respect your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information.
What is personal information?
Personal information is information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in material form or not, about an individual whose identity is reasonably apparent, or can be reasonably ascertained, from the information or opinion. Examples of personal information include your name, postal address, telephone number and email address.
We collect personal information to properly and efficiently carry out our functions, including to provide you requested products and services, and to facilitate the provision of marketing and promotion services that may be of interest to you.
The personal information collected and held about you will vary depending on the circumstances of collection and may include, but is not limited to, as follows:
- your name, address, email address, date of birth, gender, occupation, contact information
- other information provided voluntarily by you, for example in response to surveys or competitions
How do we collect your personal information?
We collect personal information about you in a number of ways, including:
- Directly from you, for example, when you provide information to us by phone, email, in an application form or competition entry form, when you purchase tickets to an event, submit information through or access our websites. From third parties, such as the Australian Cricket Entities, Cricket Australia, ticket agencies, Cricket Australia or Australian Cricket commercial partners and other commercial data sources and data providers. We may collect personal information regarding a child from the parent or other responsible person associated with that child.
We may also receive information about you from third parties in relation to other websites. For example, you may choose to participate in a third party application or feature as part of our services (such as logging in through Facebook Connect or Google+ or otherwise linking to the services from another website or interactive service) or on a third party website or service (such as a Facebook application or a similar application or feature) through which you allow us to collect (or the third party to share) information about you, including personal information.
When you choose to participate, you may be opting to link your activity on SCF with that third party website or service, which may then collect information about your visits to SCF websites and may publish that activity as you request to your "profile" or similar feature with that third party (such as if you choose to share content you find on an SCF website with your "connections" on the third party's website or service).
The information we collect is subject to this Privacy Policy. However, the information collected and stored by the third party remains subject to the third party's privacy practices, including whether the third party continues to share information with us or with other third parties, the types of information shared, and your choices with regard to what is visible to others on that third party's website or service. The third party may allow you to remove the application or feature, in which case we will no longer collect information about you through the application or feature, but we may retain the information previously collected. In addition, we may receive information about you if other users of a third party website or service give us access to their profiles and you are one of their "connections" or information about you is otherwise accessible through your "connections'" web page, profile page, or similar page on a social networking or other third party website or interactive service.
Providing information
If you do not provide some or all of the information that we requests from you, this may affect our ability to communicate with you or provide the requested products or services.
By not providing requested information, you may jeopardize your ability to participate in programs or competitions or apply for employment or volunteer positions with us. If it is impracticable for us to deal with you as a result of you not providing the requested information or consent, we may refuse to do so.
Information storage and protection
We store information in different ways, including in paper and electronic form. When your information is provided to us, the information may be combined or linked with other information held about you.
Security of personal information is important to us. We have taken steps to protect the information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. Some of the security measures we use include strict confidentiality requirements of our respective employees, volunteers, service providers, security measures for system access and security measures for our website.
How do we use your personal information?
TT may use your personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected and secondary purposes related to the primary purpose. Such primary and secondary purposes may include, without limitation, use of your personal information to:
- Verify your identity;
- Complete background checks;
- Develop, run, administer and market competitions, programs, activities and other Events relating to cricket and other sports;
- Market products, services, merchandise and special offers made available by SCF or Australian Cricket Entities or our respective corporate partners.
- Administer and manage our respective websites and provide you with access to those websites;
- Keep you informed of news and information (such as advance notice of ticket sales) relating to cricket and other sports, including by distributing newsletters, publications and other communication via various mediums;
- Research, develop, run, administer and market new competitions, programs, activities and other events relating to cricket and other sports; and
- Research and develop new products, services and merchandise relating to cricket and other sports.
Health and sensitive information
If it is reasonably necessary in the circumstances, or you have elected to provide it, SCF may also collect sensitive information (which is a type of personal information) such as:
- information about your health and medical history; or
- other sensitive information about you (for example, information about your racial or ethnic origin or that of your parents).
Sensitive information is afforded a higher level of privacy protection than other personal information. Where you provide sensitive information to us, you also provide consent to us collecting it in accordance with this Privacy Policy, unless you tell us otherwise.
TT may use health information about you for insurance purposes and/or to ensure that cricket programs in which you participate are run safely and in accordance with any special health needs you may have. If you do not consent to the collection of your health and sensitive information (and we are not otherwise permitted under law to collect that information) please do not provide your health and sensitive information when prompted to do so.
In addition, we may use de-identified health information and other sensitive information to carry out research, to plan events and activities or to prepare submissions to government or a government body. De-identified information is information which has been aggregated or otherwise de-identified so that it cannot be used to identify you or any other individual.
When do we disclose your personal information?
We may disclose your personal information to:
- Cricket Australia;
- Australian Cricket Entities;
- Taverners Branches;
- Organizations (other than Australian Cricket) involved in cricket and sporting programs and initiatives in Australia;
- Companies that we have engaged or used to carry out functions and activities on our behalf, including companies involved in:
- advertising and marketing our products, services, merchandise and special offers (including social media partners);
- data aggregation, enrichment, augmentation, processing, analytics and research; and
- the design, implementation, maintenance and hosting of any member database on our behalf;
- Our professional advisers, including our accountants, auditors and lawyers;
- Our insurers;
- Governmental bodies including the Australian, State & Territory Institutes of Sport, the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority and the Australian Sports Commission; and
- Third party service providers, who may be located (and so your personal information may be disclosed) overseas, including in India, the USA and the UK, and other countries from time to time. In such circumstances, we will use our best endeavors to ensure such parties are subject to a law, binding scheme or contract which effectively upholds principles for fair handling of the information that are suitably similar to the Australian Privacy Principles.
Direct marketing
We will use non-sensitive personal information to provide better services and for marketing purposes (including disclosure of such information to service providers and commercial partners).
If you do not wish to receive e-mail, SMS or posted offers from us, you may opt-out by using the link provided. Alternatively, you may advise us at any time that you do not wish to receive e-mail, SMS or posted offers.
Other disclosures
In addition, we may also disclose personal information
- with your express or implied consent;
- when required or authorized by law;
- to an enforcement body when reasonably necessary; or
- to lessen or prevent a threat to an individual or public health or safety.
Our websites
When you visit SCF websites, our systems may record certain information about your use of those websites (such as which web pages you visit and the time and date of your visit).We use this information to help analyse and improve the performance of our websites.
In addition, we may use “cookies” on SCF websites. Cookies are small text files that help a website to remember your preferences and improve your experience of using that website. Using cookies is standard practice for most large websites. In some cases, the cookies that we use may collect some personal information about you. We will treat this information in the same way as other personal information we collect about you (*This information is subject to this Privacy Policy and will be treated in the same way as other personal information we collect about you). If you prefer, you may be able to disable cookies on your internet browser. However, if you do so, you will not be able to enjoy the enhanced user experience that our cookies offer.
Accuracy of your personal information
Australian Cricket takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
However, we rely on the accuracy of personal information as provided to us both directly and indirectly. You are encouraged to regularly review and update your personal information. If you find that the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, please contact us immediately (our contact details are set out below) and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that it is corrected.
How can you access the personal information we hold about you?
Subject to some exceptions provided by law, you have the right to access your personal information.
For security purposes, if you would like to access personal information that we hold about you, we require you to put your request in writing. If we do not allow you access to any part of the personal information we hold about you, we will tell you why.
We will not charge you for lodging a request to access your personal information, but we may charge you for our reasonable costs in supplying you with access to this information.
You can easily unsubscribe from our communications at any time by contacting us using the contact details specified in this Privacy Policy, accessing the Australian Cricket Preference Centre or by following the instructions contained in an e-mail. It may take some time to effect an opt-out or unsubscribe so you may still receive communications from us for several weeks after your request is received.
For the avoidance of doubt, opting–out or unsubscribing yourself from a mailing list of an Australian Cricket product or service will ensure your removal from that particular mailing list but will not guarantee your removal from other mailing lists that SCF may store your details in as a result of your engagement with a different service or product.
Contacting Us
If you would like to access the personal information that SCF holds about you, have any questions in relation to this Privacy Policy or have a complaint, you can contact us using the contact details specified below.
You can contact SCF by emailing chairman@taverners.org.au
Alternatively, you can write to SCF Privacy Officer at 70 Iris Road Glen Iris, 3146.
If we are unable to resolve your complaint or you are unhappy with the outcome, you can contact the Office of Australian Information Commissioner via its enquiries line 1300 363 992 or website //www.oaic.gov.au/ to lodge a complaint.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
From time to time, we may need to change this Privacy Policy to reflect our changing business practices. We will notify you of any amendments by posting an updated version of this Privacy Policy on our website (www.taverners.org.au) This Privacy Policy was last updated on 15 July 2019.
Our People
Paul Sheahan AM
John Jeffreys
Michael Martin OAM
Phillip ‘Sunny’ Drury
Trevor John
Richard Lucas
Joanne Cooper
Geoff Cussen
Peter Evans
Luke Van Kempen
Robert Bilyk
Stuart Stockdale
Murray McGill
MIcheal King
Taverners Australia Life Members:
Andrew Buckle OAM
Greg Brown OAM
Michael Martin OAM